This Foundation is a volunteer driven, 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Charity Corporation and is not organized for the private gain of any person. Its purpose is Charitable as defined in section 103.05(a) of the General Not For Profit Corporation Act and operates exclusively for charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
501(c)(3) Nonprofit Tax Exemption
IL Corporation Articles of Incorporation
Federal Tax ID: 82-4996489

Nick Berg
Incorporated the Foundation in memory of his brother, Andrew Clayton Berg.

BrooksAnn Harshaw
Prior to founding ACF, Brooksie successfully coordinated, advertised, planned and hosted several incredibly fun and lucrative fundraising events in support of nonprofits such as Troops Need Love Too and Warrior Dogs. Her unmatched ability to put the fun in fundraising guarantees volunteers and participants a good time for a good cause.

Colleen Berg
Having known Andrew better than anyone, Colleen’s input is critical to the Foundation’s decision making process. When determining the cause or similar nonprofit organization we elect to promote, raise funds for and donate to -- her feedback as to what Andrew would have chosen is unequivocally the most important factor when choosing the beneficiary of our donations and efforts.

Candace Oliver Mitchell
“Aunt Candy” has dedicated her entire professional career to promoting the greater good of charitable and humanitarian efforts. After receiving her B.A. in Finance from the University of Michigan, she worked as the Director of Finance for the Creative Alliance in Baltimore and served as a Peace Corps Civil Society Capacity Building Volunteer in Lobatse, Botswana.

Mark & Kelly Berg
Carmen Taylor

Jenn Murdock

Justin Vliem